Here's just a small sampling of the projects we've taken on and controlled over the past couple of years.
neptun refit , gulf harbour
Vessel repairs
Neptun refit had vessel repairs carried out to boat which had been impacted and had popped grid-layer. Delamination repairs and structural strength jobs were performed in order to get the boat back on the water.
sarvana refit, gulf harbour
Six month refit and damage repairs
The Sarvana refit was a six month process for damage repairs, including a major overhaul of marine systems and interior and exterior extension refurbishment jobs.
the boardroom, gulf harbour
New dash layout and refurbish
The boardroom involved a new dash layout and revamp, with new instruments and leather wrapped features.
Gusto Repairs
Antique refurbishments
Gusto repairs involved boarding platform repairs and stain, plus antique refurbishments.